terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2010

Give always thanks to the blogger who gave it to you

Thank you sooo much Maya, truly. For the nice words, for the price, and for always bring us good sounds.

Now I have to answer a few questions.

Name an author you love:
They are so many! Filipe Faria, Isabel Allende, Sandra Carvalho, Tolkien, García Marquez, Tolstói...

Book(s) you love:
Allaryia Chronicles, A Saga das Pedras Mágicas, 100 anos de Solidão, A morte de Ivan Ilitch...

Now, pass it on to 7 blogs:

/coconafralda - for the incredible and funny stories.
/tunaoliderasbemcomosono - for the great taste - we are connected godfather :)
/divagacoesajanela - because she is such a great friend :)
/facioindignatioversum - for the originality.
/cafe-e-canela - for the inspiring words.
/aworldinalook - for the amazing poetry.
/groundedtolive - for the beautiful love letters.

1 comentário:

  1. Adoro o teu blogue, a sério que adoro. Provocam todo o tipo de sentimentos em mim: rio-me com algumas coisas, fico a pensar com outras...

    Obrigada (':
